EARLY BIRD 10% per iscrizioni ai Master Universitari e Corsi Executive in partenza nei prossimi mesi
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Giulia Menichetti


Senior Research Scientist al Network Science Institute (Northeastern University), e ricercatore associato al Brigham and Women’s Hospital (Harvard Medical School). È una fisica statistica/computazionale di formazione, e durante il suo dottorato si è specializzata in Network Science. Attualmente dirige il progetto Foodome, che mira a tracciare l’intera complessità chimica del cibo che consumiamo e a sviluppare strumenti quantitativi per svelare, a livello meccanico, l’impatto di queste sostanze chimiche sulla nostra salute.



Senior Research Scientist at the Network Science Institute (Northeastern University), and an Associate Researcher at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (Harvard Medical School). She is a statistical/computational physicist by training, and during her Ph.D. she specialized in Network Science. She currently leads the Foodome project, which aims to track the full chemical complexity of the food we consume and develop quantitative tools to unveil, at the mechanistic level, the impact of these chemicals on our health.



