EARLY BIRD 10% for enrollment in Specializing Masters and Executive Courses starting in the next months
This course provides skills in coordinating communication projects and constructing brand strategies. An educational path tailored for graduates in technical, humanities, and business management disciplines.
The communication landscape is undergoing radical changes, requiring agencies and businesses to adapt to market shifts and consumer-oriented branding. Today’s societal needs demand professionals with a blend of strategic, creative, and design skills. Our educational program is uniquely positioned to cultivate this skill set through the synergy of design, marketing, and branding.
For over 20 years, and UNA – United Communication Companies (formerly ASSOCOM) have led the Master in Brand Communication – The Design, Construction, and Management of the Brand. The aim is to enhance and educate communication managers. The educational experience serves as a meeting ground for professional communication skills and innovations in the most dynamic sectors of the Politecnico di Milano. The Master consistently evolves its offerings to address changing scenarios, meet the coordination needs of brand strategic thinking, and create strategies capable of reaching diverse audiences.
Below are the activities outlined in the educational plan:
The faculty reflects the excellence of Politecnico di Milano and associated UNA companies in the fields of management, media, strategic areas, and creative communication, featuring renowned national and international guests and testimonials.
The Master in Brand Communication aims to train individuals capable of merging strategic, creative, and design skills—professionals equipped to work in agencies and communication departments of companies. These are the objectives:
The Brand Communication Specializing Master is structured as follows:
The Master in Brand Communication includes a series of foundation courses (propaedeutic programs to fill any gaps in training) and all training activities that involve the release of CFU (frontal lessons, seminars, project work and internship). Below, the eight modules the program is structured into:
Module 1
Scenarios of contemporary communication
Focus on the evolution of the brand in the economic and cultural scenario of contemporary society and on the related themes: contemporary communication; brand identity and brand equity; brand value; storytelling, story being and the rise of purpose-driven marketing; PR, reputation and crisis management.
Module 2
Methods and tools to interpret the needs of the market and define the strategic positioning of a brand, with attention to sustainability. Topics: marketing fundamentals; strategy and marketing plan; marketing data and research; mapping of personas and customer journey; customer experience; communication of sustainability.
Module 3
Learning strategies and techniques to identify, analyze and understand the target with the aim of creating effective communication messages and strategies. Topics covered: methodologies applied for trend research; from target user to personas; targeting and positioning; communicating diversity.
Module 4
Understanding the logic of strategic thinking and the analytical skills necessary to create, implement and evaluate effective and coherent communication campaigns that are in line with the brand identity, positioning and target. Topics: integrated communication strategies, situational analysis, consumer insight, copy strategy.
Module 5
Anthology of professions
Seminars describing the communication market and evolving professional profiles. Focus on hard and soft skills involved in the roles. Topics: communication chain; role of the account; digital accounting; role of the Strategic Planner; role of the Media Planner; PM in agency; brand management; figure of the Producer in a production house; legal aspects of traditional and digital communication.
Module 6
Creative strategy
In-depth understanding of the creative and strategic approach based on data, research and storytelling as a basis for the development of content and strategies capable of engaging audiences. Topics: creativity and web 3.0, branded entertainment, gaming and communication, influencer marketing, events, transmedia design.
Module 7
Methods and tools to identify the best channels to achieve the objectives of the communication plan. Topics: phases of the media process, media and audience measurement; media indicators; target analysis; Italian and international advertising market (key facts); scenario, planning and post-buy on different media; competitive analysis (Nielsen AdEx survey); media strategy; measurement of the effectiveness of advertising campaigns; negotiation techniques; programmatic.
Module 8
Digital Go-to-Market
Field test of the design driven approach for the design of the digital go-to-market strategy. Introduction to the mindset of the digital designer, the phases and tools of the digital strategy, the principles of media design and the contents on digital touchpoints. Theoretical focus on AI and practical application in the digital context and exercises. Topics: introduction to digital, positioning strategy, active digital listening, media strategy, digital advertising, content strategy, AI for content production.
Module 9
An additional module that provides a space for dialogue and current tools to manage the design complexity. It raises awareness regarding the necessary soft skills for designing your professional and personal growth. Focus on the meaning of competence and the practice of what we call “transformative courage”: emotional intelligence, leadership, lateral thinking, and storytelling.
Master’s Degree Diploma in Brand Communication – The Design, Construction, and Management of the Brand from Politecnico di Milano. The Specializing Master grants 60 CFU, equivalent to 60 ECTS
The exiting profile is that of a communication professional capable of coordinating and supervising communication processes. Participants will engage in various realms of strategic brand construction and communication projects, acquiring skills for the following roles:
● Account
● Strategic Planner
● Media Planner
● Brand Strategist
● Brand Manager
● Communication Manager
The Master’s program is open to candidates holding a Bachelor’s degree or V.O. Degree, Laurea or Laurea Specialistica/Magistrale N.O. in Engineering, Architecture, Industrial Design, Economics, humanities, or technical-scientific disciplines. For foreign candidates, equivalent academic qualifications will be considered according to their respective educational systems.
Selections will be made in chronological order based on the date of applications, until available seats are filled. The selection process will be managed by the Commission.
Candidates may participate in one of the online presentation/selection days scheduled throughout the year.
The formal evaluation of the study title eligibility is by Politecnico di Milano. As a consequence the formal application should be done on the website (the steps are described in the following weblink).
In particular, the steps that you will have to follow are those mentioned from page 1 to page 8 (by clicking on the following link you will find yourself directly in the same page shown on guidelines).
To participate in the selection process, candidates must complete the online application by the following deadlines:
The cost of the Master’s program is € 13,000 (€12,500 for the Master’s program + €500 registration fee at Politecnico di Milano) VAT EXEMPT – ARTICLE 10 DPR 633/72.
The promotion for those who have clear ideas, know which educational path can enrich their future, and can’t wait to get back to the classroom.
Deadline application: within May 16, 2025
Deadline for sending the signed contract and payment of the deposit of the participation fee: within May 30, 2025
A chance to gift your siblings the encouragement they need to invest in their future.
A promotion designed to strengthen the bond and identity among members of the Politecnico di Milano community.
Intesa San Paolo supports talents and gives everyone access to training. Discover more details here.
The faculty reflects the excellence of Politecnico di Milano and associated UNA companies in the fields of management, media, strategic areas, and creative communication, featuring renowned national and international guests and testimonials.
29 June 2025
Sono disponibili n. 4 (quattro) esoneri parziali del 25% dalla quota di partecipazione per la frequenza al Master universitario di I livello Brand Communication, il Progetto, la Costruzione e la Gestione della Marca (MBC), anno 2025/2027.
La richiesta dell’esonero parziale deve essere fatta a mezzo email all’indirizzo
La candidatura e l’attribuzione degli esoneri parziali avviene durante il percorso di ammissione al Master e mai dopo la sua data di inizio.
L’ammissione al Master è indipendente dall’eventuale assegnazione dell’esonero parziale.
Gli esoneri parziali sono assegnati secondo i requisiti di cui sotto.
Nel valutare i candidati e nell’assegnare gli esoneri parziali, la Direzione del Master prenderà in considerazione:
• età anagrafica (inferiore ai 24 anni); lontananza geografica (saranno favoriti i canditati residenti a lunghe distanze da Milano);
• valutazione tecnica (cultura della comunicazione 40%; cultura pubblicitaria 30%; tecniche di comunicazione e marketing 30%);
• valutazione motivazionale (curriculum vitae 10%; esperienze professionali 5%; capacità relazionali e comunicative 30%; curiosità 25%; aspettative motivazionali 30%);
Tutti i candidati dovranno sostenere un colloquio con la Direzione del Master.
Il punteggio minimo complessivo per concorrere all’attribuzione di uno degli esoneri parziali è di 350/500.
La domanda di selezione dovrà essere compilata al seguente link e dovrà essere corredata dai seguenti documenti:
• Curriculum vitae;
• Lettera motivazionale;
• Eventuale portfolio;
• Scansione del documento d’identità o passaporto.
La valutazione delle candidature sarà effettuata dalla Commissione del Corso di Master. La valutazione avverrà a insindacabile giudizio della Commissione del Corso di Master.
Gli esoneri parziali non sono cumulabili con altre borse di studio, esoneri, premi o altri interventi economici finalizzati alla partecipazione al presente Master universitario di I livello Brand Communication, il Progetto, la Costruzione e la Gestione della Marca (MBC).
Le selezioni avverranno in ordine cronologico rispetto alla data di ricezione della domanda, fino ad esaurimento dei posti disponibili.
L’assegnazione degli esoneri parziali avverrà durante il processo di selezione e ammissione al Master, e mai dopo la data di inizio delle attività didattiche.
Il termine ultimo per richiedere gli esoneri parziali è il giorno 29/06/2025ore 23.59 (GMT+1 – fuso orario italiano).
Entro il 04/07/2025 solo i beneficiari dell’esonero parziale riceveranno comunicazione scritta.
Il beneficiario dell’esonero parziale dovrà formalizzare, pena decadenza immediata, l’effettiva accettazione e iscrizione al Master effettuando il versamento dell’acconto così come previsto dalla Scrittura Privata entro e non oltre il 11/07/2025.
L’iscrizione al Master si intende formalizzata con il versamento dell’acconto a e con la sottoscrizione della scrittura privata.
L’iniziativa è valida fino al 29/06/2025 ore 23.59 (GMT+1 – fuso orario italiano). si riserva la facoltà di non attivare il Master nel caso in cui non sia stato raggiunto un adeguato numero di iscritti, oppure, nel caso in cui vengano meno, per qualunque motivo, i necessari requisiti di supporto didattico, logistico e amministrativo. In tali casi, gli esoneri parziali previsti non saranno riconosciuti, senza che ciò possa far sorgere alcun diritto a risarcimenti e/o indennità di sorta. si riserva il diritto di non riconoscere tutti gli esoneri parziali, nel caso in cui non vi fossero candidati con i requisiti adeguati.
Tutti gli esoneri parziali possono essere soggetti a modifiche senza preavviso.
Per qualsiasi domanda, si prega di contattare l’Area Operations:
Send your application within May 16, 2025 to take advantage of the reduction -10%! Limited Places Available. Deadline for sending the signed contract and payment of the deposit of the participation fee: no later than May 30, 2025.