EARLY BIRD 10% for enrollment in Specializing Masters and Executive Courses starting in the next months
From March 1st to March 19th, 2021, the Call4Ideas engaged students in creating a licensing strategy for MIND, with the goal of supporting the consolidation of its ecosystem and the promotion of the values and themes of the innovation district.
All students of the Specializing Master in Strategic Design of Politecnico di Milano, managed by, the winning participants of the Call4Ideas of the MIND Education programme, conceived and promoted by Arexpo and Lendlease together with Human Technopole, IRCCS Galeazzi and Fondazione Triulza, and which in March involved recent graduates, students and PhD students enrolled in Universities of Italy and Italian Switzerland.
Specifically, there are two main themes of the innovation district that have engaged students in the development of ideas and design concepts: on the one hand, innovative licensing strategies for the brand MIND; on the other hand, DXM@MIND, innovative solutions in the field of life sciences and beyond, based on the use of DATA streams generated and shared by the actors of MIND, or the innovative generation of these streams, through original devices and methods.
According to this perspective, participants were asked to create a licensing strategy for MIND, with the aim of supporting the consolidation of its ecosystem and the promotion of the values and themes of the innovation district.
The best ideas were selected by a jury composed of professionals and researchers from the promoters, who awarded the three teams of students of the Specializing Master in Strategic Design.
View all the projects